
(character/carrd wip; elements subject to change)


NAME: Alleaux Greystone.
STAGE NAME: Honey Moon.
GENDER: Genderfluid - any pronouns.
RACE: Ishgardian.
NAMEDAY: 28th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (10/28).
AGE: 25.


mbti: ESFP.
likes: dressing up, terms of affection, visiting new places.
dislikes: people looking down on him.
virtues: open-minded. charitable and kind to strangers.
flaws: can be temperamental and impulsive, especially when he feels like he's being treated unfairly.


HEIGHT: medium-height
BUILD: slender & well-toned
HAIR: medium/short, pale pink
EYES: bright turquoise
NOTABLE FEATURES: often neatly trimmed facial hair. tattoos of bird silhouettes covering body. soft, quiet voice.


HOME: Ishgard
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married to the job

extra information

  • sings well; enjoys music and dancing

  • usually smells like floral perfume

  • often receives expensive gifts and enjoys a lavish lifestyle

looking for

  • Friends. Perhaps you're a fellow Ishgardian, or a traveler passing through. Alleaux loves meeting interesting new people, especially if they're well-traveled, never having been outside of Ishgard, personally.

  • (Please note, despite the character's employment, I am not looking for erp-focused interactions! please respect that, thank you :) )


Alleaux Greystone - stage name Honey Moon - lives in the moment. His main motivation in life is to experience everything it has to offer - the good and the bad. He's willing to try anything at least once. Very free-spirited and preferring to do his own thing, he expresses himself through his attire, mannerisms, and sporadic hobbies.When he first meets someone outside of the context of work, Alleaux's usually a bit shy but quick to warm up to the newcomer.

past to present

Alleaux was an unhappy accident produced by House Valentione, and subsequently spent most of his childhood hidden away from society by his birth mother, Amilette de Valentione. Alleaux's biological father was a lowborn man he's never met. Amilette's husband, Victoir, forgave his wife and decided it would be best for all if they kept the knowledge of Alleaux's true heritage secret. Even so, he would not name Alleaux as his heir and wanted nothing to do with the child. They told their friends and allies that Alleaux had been born sickly, and that was why he was kept secluded - for his own good - and wouldn't inherit, despite being the only male-born child.Alleaux wasn't exactly spoiled growing up, but he never wanted for anything, either. Except perhaps to venture outside into the city, to meet and spend time with people who weren't family or the help. He was educated by private tutors and taught of faraway lands that he dreamed of visiting someday. After lessons as a child, Alleaux enjoyed playing dress-up with his two older sisters - their mother had an extensive, luxurious wardrobe that would keep them occupied for hours. Alleaux's family was never cruel, and they got along amicably, but his parents made it clear at a young age that he'd never have a place at the table.As a teenager, Alleaux grew tired of being excluded from social events and treated, as he saw it, as a lesser being. Anger and resentment at his family had been growing for years, festering despite his best attempts to quell it. He loved his family, of course, but a sliver of ice always remained. At sixteen, after one particularly heated confrontation, Alleaux left the manor he'd been confined to for most of his life. Not knowing where else to go, he ended up living on the streets of Ishgard - thankfully before it became a frigid fortress.Though terrified and soon filled with regrets, he survived as best he could, knowing he wouldn't be welcome back to the manor. Alleaux soon found that his looks and often coquettish temperament went a long way in finding an inviting bed to sleep in for the night and a bit of gil to get him through the day. Though not the safest lifestyle in the slightest, it provided him with a reasonably steady source of income, at least. He's had a few close calls and has had to learn to be a careful judge of character.Alleaux lived on his own for a few years before he was eventually recruited by a regular patron, a slightly older gentleman, as an entertainer at a selective underground club. Now, he's able to choose his own clients, set his own prices (as long as he meets a certain quota), and he usually enjoys his job.








employer / friend


co-worker / friend


co-worker / frenemies


co-worker / acquaintance / carrd